The First Ethereum Name Service Workshop To Be Held In London

The Ethereum community at large is invited to participate in the first Ethereum Name Service workshop.

July 14, 2017, Ethereum Foundation’s Nick Johnson announced the first Ethereum Name Service (ENS) community workshop to be held at King's College London on August 11 to 13.

According to Johnson, participants will have opportunities to learn from the soft launch process, examine coming plans for the ENS, and put down a foundation for the permanent registrar.

The workshop will cover the following topics:

  • How name registration should function in the permanent registrar.
  • Fee schedules and incentivisation for the permanent registrar.
  • Whether the permanent registrar should feature any kind of dispute resolution mechanism, and if so, how it can function.
  • Possible changes to the root multisig.
  • Integration of ENS with the traditional DNS hierarchy

The ENS has the distinction of offering a secure and decentralized method for providing easy-to-read names for people who are settling transactions to Ethereum wallets on- and off-chain.

The community workshop is free and open to the general public, but space is limited; those wishing to attend can email Nick Johnson directly.




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