Waves appoints new Head of Product Design

Alongside Waves welcoming a new CMO earlier this month, the Russian-based custom token blockchain platform is also greeting Igor Pugachevskiy as its new Head of Product Design this week. He has over a decade of experience in design, including the last four in the fintech industry.

Igor has extensive experience. He started out at Art. Lebedev Studio, a renowned industrial and graphic design studio founded by Artemy Lebedev in 1995. Since then he has worked at Yandex.Money, Russia’s largest electronic payment service; Ozon.Travel, Russia’s foremost online travel agency; and Tinkoff Bank. He was an art director at Ozon and SuperJob.

Over the last four years, Igor has gained in-depth experience in the fintech industry, including developing trading systems and instruments for financial institutions. He was an early adopter of blockchain technology.

New Head of Product Design, Mr. Pugachevskiy, said:

“Blockchain is a communication environment. I am inspired to find opportunities to use technology to solve previously unresolved problems, to open new opportunities and directions for the development of human individuality and entrepreneurship. I am infinitely grateful to join Sasha Ivanov’s team. Working on Waves is an opportunity to implement the best communication experience, making it convenient, accessible and useful for everyone.”

“The core value of Waves is a large community of progressive and modern people distributed around the world, united by a common belief in technology and cryptography. I cannot wait to meet and communicate with each of you, to hear your ideas, thoughts, and comments. Together we will improve our present and create the future. We have chosen a difficult and fascinating path, in which absolute transparency, honesty, and security are our main priorities.”


bron: Cryptoninjas.net

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