Aeternity DDOS attack - CEO Vladimir Tikhomirov explains

The Aeternity website and wallet were not available for two days due to a DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack. This is an attempt to make an online service unavailable by overwhelming it with traffic from multiple sources. This is not the first time Aeternity becomes victim of attackers. Last month 82.000 ETH collected in the distribution campaign was stolen. Aeternity's CEO Vladimir Tikhomirov explains.

Hello everyone,

Since it some of you are a bit worried about the inability to open the æternity website and wallet, I am sharing with you an update on what has happened and what are we doing:

  • There is absolutely no need to panic. DDoS attacks are becoming more widespread by the month and many blockchain projects have been affected.

  • We have NOT been hacked. The website is down - first due to an attack, and after - due to the fact that we are moving the website and wallet to a new host.

  • What are we doing exactly? We had to re-code the wallet script and are currently moving to a new host.

  • Why is the wallet website not working? We switched on the DDoS protection at CloudFlare and that deactivated some JavaScript that was needed for the wallet script.

  • What is this DDoS? In our case there is someone who is making 60 million requests a day for our websites. You can imagine that this is overwhelming to the host.

We are currently handling the situation. Excuse us for the inconvenience. We will be back online ASAP.

Update 15-8-2017: Aeternity website back online. Wallet and Blog page not available yet.

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