A lot can happen in month. Russian institutions went from preparing the Moscow Stock Exchange for the legal trading in crypto-currencies like bitcoin and ether, the two most popular ones used in Russia, to coming a hair away from following in China's footsteps and banning initial coin offerings (ICO), a crypto-currency funding mechanisms for new tech companies.
"The use of crypto-currency as a surrogate for the ruble in trading in goods and services, in our opinion, has a risk of undermining the circulation of money," central banker Elvira Nabiullina told Russian newswire Tass on Friday. "We will not allow the use of crypto-currency as a surrogate money," she said without mentioning ICOs in particular. One can only speculate that those crowdfunding platforms are on her radar.
Nabiullina is arguably one of the most powerful women in Russia. She has Vladimir Putin's ear on all things economic and financial. Putin defers to her on such matters.
This summer, Putin met with Ethereum developer and CEO Vitalik Buterin to discuss developments in so-called blockchain technologies, the tech platforms that provide the backbone to digital money. Buterin later told a local newspaper in Tatarstan that he felt Putin was opening to these new technologies as a matter of Russian national tech strategy. "Many people at different levels of the Russian government are open to crypto-currencies. I think my meeting with Putin helped him see things clearer," Buterin was quoted as saying in Tatarstan's online daily Realnoe Vremya.
This is the second time this week that the Russian Central Bank has come out against crypto-currencies.
"Crypto-currencies are issued by an unlimited circle of anonymous entities. Due to the anonymous nature of the issuance of crypto-currency, citizens and legal entities can be involved in illegal activities, including legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism," the Russian central bank said in a statement issued on September 4. "Given the high risks of circulation and use of crypto-currency, the Bank of Russia considers it premature to admit crypto-currencies, as well as any financial instruments nominated or associated with crypto-currencies, into circulation and used at organized trades such as clearing and settlement infrastructure within the territory of the Russian Federation."
Nabiullina likened the rapid expansion of crypto-currency to the gold rush. Others have referred to it as a bubble. "For a long time there was very little growth (in this technology), and now we see something like a gold rush," she warned.
According to her, the development of new blockchain technologies gives crypto-currency advantages it never had before. "We as a regulator are obliged to think about the risks and prevent these risks," she said. "Many of these technologies are not regulated and are stateless," she said.
In July, the Securities and Exchange Commission ruled that any trade in crypto-currencies made by stateless entities and sold to Americans falls under its regulatory framework to protect investors. On Thursday, Mario Draghi rejected Euro-member Estonia's idea to have a state managed crypto-currency. When it comes to digital assets, Russia's Nabiullina is not a lone cry in the wilderness.
The central bank's comments this week call into question the Finance Ministry's goal to legalize crypto-currency trading on the exchange. The Finance Ministry said recently that it wants to allow for bitcoin and other digital currencies to be traded on the Moscow Stock Exchange (MOEX), opening up the market to qualified investors as early as next year. Qualified investors are required to have a history of trading Russian securities and upwards of six million rubles in assets. The trades would be tracked by the MOEX regulator.
On one hand, wheels are in motion. On the other hand, the central bank can slam the brakes at any moment.
The National Settlement Depository (NSD), Russia’s central securities depository for the MOEX, is now developing a blockchain platform based on the Russian designed Waves Platform to build a ledger system to account for crypto-currency trades. Individual investors worldwide are getting in on this, with Bitcoin rising over 700% against the dollar over the last 12 months, gains like that are becoming impossible to ignore.
Development of the platform is already under way, with a prototype expected to be tested in the first half of 2018. For full roll-out, Russian legislators and regulators need to design the legal framework to mitigate risks of these virtual assets to investors.
Sasha Ivanov, the CEO of Waves Platform, said in a statement last month that "the ability to work with new types of financial instruments will be of interest to a wide circle of market participants, including (Russian) banks, pension funds and retail investors."
The NSD conducts all exchange settlements in Russia. Currently, NSD has accounts with central securities depositories and international central securities depositories of 8 countries, as well as correspondent accounts with major foreign and Russian banks. That they are moving in this direction signals there is financial market willpower behind legalizing crypto-currencies in Russia. As monetary policy issuer, the central bank has veto powers.
For Putin and the Russian government, if they want to seriously compete with the U.S. and Europe, it will have to go full bore into these new technologies or fall further behind. Earlier this month, Putin said that the country that controls artificial intelligence technologies will "rule the world", an issue dear to the man's heart. Like Washington Russophobes see Russian hackers and Putin allies every which way, Putin sees the CIA and Washington DC NGOs manipulating Russia and the country's in its orbit. Many of these innovative, early stage AI developments will be done in the virtual worlds being funded and created with crypto-currencies, now clearly in the cross-hairs of Nabiullina. Either those projects will be developed by Russians in Russia, or they will be developed by Russians living in California instead.
Bron: Forbes
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