Only Buy Bitcoin If You're Ready to Lose It

If you’ve been tempted to get in on the blockchain currency racket, first read tech writer Mark Frauenfelder’s story of losing access to $30,000 in bitcoin. Ask yourself if you could handle the stress of trying to guess a seven-digit PIN, knowing that every time you guessed wrong, your money would get locked away for hours, then days, then years. Ask yourself what you’d do if your investment paid off tenfold, only to disappear in a fire.


Frauenfelder got into this jam by trying to be safe. In January 2016 he bought $3,000 in bitcoin, then locked it away in a specialized USB device called Trezor. He did this so no one could hack his bitcoin by hacking his computer, or even by stealing the device. The device was locked by a string of 21 words and a seven-digit PIN. Frauenfelder wrote the words on a piece of paper, which his cleaning service threw out. He memorized his PIN, but then forgot it. Recovering his money was so stressful, just reading about it drained the blood from my face.

Lees het hele artikel hier.





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