Ethereum Price Analysis - Quiet, too quiet

Ethereum (ETH) now has a US$28.2 billion market capitalization, second only to Bitcoin’s US$123.2 billion. Volume worldwide has accounted for ~US$290,000 over the past 24 hours, behind that of Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), and Ethereum Classic (ETC). Transactions per day have declined sharply recently. Bitcoin’s strong bull run and prominent media mentions have likely sucked the air out of the room for ETH usage over the past month.


Ethereem Price Analysis 6 Noc 2017 2Hash rate has plateaued, declining slightly, while difficulty has remained largely unchanged. The scheduled drop in difficulty will not last forever and is meant to decrease block times, which remain at a steady 23 seconds. The block reward has also been reduced from 5ETH to 3ETH in an effort to combat inflation and eventually phase out Proof of Work (PoW) in favor of Proof of Stake (PoS). If ETH price does not rise proportionally, ETH hash rate may continue to decline on scheduled difficulty increases.

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