Critical vulnerability in popular cryptocurrency wallet freezes millions of dollars of Ethereum

Earlier today, Parity Technologies, the company behind the popular Ethereum Parity Wallet, issued an announcement to inform users that multi-sig wallets created after July 20 are experiencing a severe vulnerability that makes it impossible to move funds out of affected wallets.


The bug has practically left a slew of cryptocurrency enthusiasts locked out of their wallets and unable to move their funds to alternative accounts.

What is particularly troublesome is that today’s glitch stems from a software update Parity rolled out a couple of months back in order to fix another bug, which costseveral ICO projects $30 million in stolen Ether coins.

According to Parity, the vulnerability was triggered by a regular user who attempted to exploit a flaw in the source code, accidentally removing crucial library code in the process.

 Lees het hele artikel hier.





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