Litecoin Continues Its March Toward $75

It appears the Litecoin uptrend is here to stay. A few weeks ago, it seemed unlikely that this altcoin’s price would surpass US$55 on a permanent basis. Right now, a rise to US$75 isn’t out of the question. With a Litecoin price of US$71.89 at the time of writing, things are looking pretty solid for this alternative cryptocurrency.


It has to be said that the past 24 hours have been pretty lucrative for Litecoin holders. With the price rising from just under US$68 all the way to US$71.89 in the past few hours, there has been some decent profit to be made. Granted, these gains are not as spectacular as those of Bitcoin or even Ethereum, but they are good to see nonetheless. Right now, it seems to be a matter of time until the Litecoin price surpasses the US$75 mark.

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