Ethereum Rises to $380 and Bitcoin Cash Price Surges by 31%

Today, on November 23, the Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash price rose significantly within a 24-hour period, as the price of Ether surpassed $380 while Bitcoin Cash recorded a staggering 31 percent daily increase.


Since last week, the price trend of Bitcoin Cash has demonstrated an inorganic growth rate, as it rose from $800 to $2,900, and fell back to $1,200, and is likely triggered by a sudden movement of large sums of capital from one cryptocurrency to the other.

Since the Chinese government’s crackdown on initial coin offerings (ICO) on September 1, the Ether price has struggled to achieve a new all-time high and break the $400 mark. Two months later, Ether is preparing to initiate new rallies that would likely allow it to surpass the $400 mark in the short-term.


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