The 11 Biggest Cryptocurrency Hacks In History

The price of Bitcoin bounced back to make new all-time highs on Tuesday after briefly dipping below $8,000 following a massive security breach at a rival cryptocurrency. On Tuesday, Tether reported that more than $30 million in digital coins had been stolen by hackers.

Cryptocurrency bulls often tout the safety and security of cryptocurrencies as convincing reasons to view them as safe havens for investors, similar to gold. But there's a long history of security issues among popular cryptocurrencies. Here’s a look at some of the most publicized data breaches.


  • August 2010: Bitcoin Hack
  • March 2014: Mt. Gox Hack
  • January 2015: Bitstamp Hack
  • June 2016: Decentralized Autonomous Organization Hack
  • July 2016: Hack
  • August 2016: Bitfinex Hack
  • July 2017: CoinDash Hack
  • July 2017: Parity Hack
  • July 2017: Veritaseum Hack
  • August 2017: Enigma Hack
  • November 2017: Tether Hack
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