What are CryptoKitties? Why the Blockchain-Based Game is So Fascinating

CryptoKitties is a game where users can collect, trade, and breed virtual kittens using smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Over the past couple days, the game has exploded in popularity. It was officially released on November 28th and Axiom Zen, the Vancouver and San Francisco-based tech company that made the game, already had to raise the price of joining because the sudden influx of new players was jamming up Ethereum’s network.


But what exactly do cats have to do with cryptocurrency?

First off, CryptoKitties is built on the same thing that makes cryptocurrency possible, blockchain technology. All you have to do is buy some ether and use it to pay for your very first feline friend. Once you buy your first kitten, that transaction gets added into the blockchain as a permanent receipt of your purchase.

All you have to do is buy some ether and use it to pay for your very first feline friend. Once you buy your first kitten, that transaction gets added into the blockchain as a permanent receipt of your purchase.

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