IOTA: A Cryptocurrency with Legitimate Value?

From $1.94 on 4th of December to above $5 on the 6th. A return of around 150% within 2 days. Sounds like another crypto-craze for people who are used to such surges in price.

Yet one wonders with each cryptocurrency: is this a truly new one that will set the scene for mass adoption? This article will explore the underlying differences from other cryptocurrencies, initial areas of application and what lies ahead for IOTA.


The Cryptocurrency Society Needs

IOTA is secure, scalable and fast. In a future world where most of the cryptocurrencies will be vulnerable to quantum computers, IOTA will be standing tall. And unlike most cryptocurrencies, the transaction speed increases as more users make transactions. This allows it to be scalable, where its speed increases with its scale. Yet these are not its main divergences from other cryptocurrencies.

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