This man has made more money trading cryptokitties than investing in his IRA

Todd is a 30-year-old entrepreneur and software designer from Austin, Texas. He’s also been the owner of 35 cryptokitties, an extension of his broader enthusiasm for cryptocurrencies. Todd first bought around 5 to 10 bitcoin in 2012 (he doesn’t remember the precise amount), when the value of each coin was a little over $10. He also grew interested in ether after its emergence in 2015 and bought the majority of his ether last year. In total, he has 21.5 bitcoin, 305 ether, and a smaller percentage in other cryptocurrencies.


He estimates he’s spent 30 ether in total on the game so far, but his Kitty Portfolio, at the time of the interview, is worth 99 ether — a hypothetical net gain of $42,321.15, not considering transaction fees. He even says that the amount he’s made from the kitties has surpassed the total amount he’s made from his IRA retirement account.

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