After its launch last week, CryptoKitties quickly became the most popular ethereum app – so popular in fact that there's now CryptoPuppies (for those that prefer man's "real best friend"), and CryptoPets (which lets users choose any kind of digital animal pet they prefer). Strange as it may seem, your favorite furry fluffball is made possible by a powerful technical standard underlying CryptoKitties called Ethereum Request for Comments 721 (ERC-721).
"People have been talking about [ERC-721] for a long time, but no one implemented it before. CryptoKitties happened to be the first," Philippe Castonguay, developer relations manager for cryptocurrency exchange protocol 0x, told.
According to many crypto developers, ERC-721 is better suited for digital collectibles than ERC-20.
For starters, tokens created with ERC-20 are "fungible," meaning every token is just as good as any other token, like every U.S. dollar is just as good as any other U.S. dollar.
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