Robert Bosch Venture Capital bets on IOTA, purchases tokens

I recently published a piece on IOTA, with market value that soared from $400m - $10.6b in less than 6 months! I explained how they are pioneering the blockchain and Internet of Things movement, and as a follow up to that, I am happy to share that Robert Bosch Venture Capital GmbH (RBVC), the corporate venture capital company of the Bosch Group, appears to agree that they are poised to become the pioneers in the space.


It is a evolution of the blockchain in many ways. They have created a multi dimensional ‘tangle’ which is scalable and equipped to handle the transaction frequency that will be required by Machine to Machine payments, and the Internet of Things transactional ecosystem. Blockchain technologies like Bitcoin can not scale at the same rate as the ‘tangle’ can, giving IOTA a unique place among cryptocurrencies.

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