Verge's coin, XVG, began the year at just $0.000019 (not even two-thousandths of a penny) and a market cap of just $246,300. On Wednesday, Dec. 20, XVG hit $0.1637 per coin, representing a market cap of $2.41 billion, and a year-to-date return of 861,479%. If you had invested just $117 in Verge's XVG at the beginning of the year, you'd be a millionaire.
According to Verge, it uses "multiple anonymity-centric networks such as Tor and I2P. The IP addresses of the users are obfuscated and the transactions are completely untraceable." The anonymity of transactions has been a major positive for the crypto craze, which first began with libertarians cheering bitcoin as their new dream currency.
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