5 Important Reasons Litecoin Is Superior Than Bitcoin

Bitcoin and Litecoin have some similarities since Litecoin forked from bitcoin. Nonetheless, Litecoin appears to offer five reasons it could outperform bitcoin over the longer run.



Charlie Lee is fully dedicated to Litecoin

Charlie Lee, who created the Litecoin project, had been working at cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase for years.

Litecoin implements the SegWit upgrade

Another difference between the two was the completion of the Segregated Witness (SegWit) blockchain upgrade in May.

A more decentralized proof-of-work algorithm

Litecoin has also taken a very different path with regard to its proof-of-work algorithm.

A faster block-processing rate

The Litecoin network processes blocks at a much faster rate than bitcoin.

The rule of large numbers

It would, psychologically, be a lot easier for Litecoin and its $17.4 billion market cap to double in size to roughly $35 billion than it would for bitcoin to double in size from $281 billion to $562 billion.

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