RaiBlocks (XRB) And 5 Other Privacy Coins Will Shake Up 2018

2017 has been a whirlwind year for bitcoin, the mother of all crypto currency. However, some other cryptocurrencies also recorded tremendous growth this year including Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Bitcoin Gold and others. New cryptocurrencies are being launched all the time, which leaves us with a question of which cryptocurrency platform to consider next year. Let us have a look at them.



RaiBlocks (XRB)

RaiBlocks is currently witnessing an increased growth and a massive gain in its market value. Will this crypto withstand the current selling pressure in the crypto market?

Monero (XMR) is the leading figure in this community. It is expected that the cryptocurrency will continue its great performance while the development team work on rolling out new initiatives that will make it perform even better. 

Zcash (ZEC) is another cryptocurrency that is privacy oriented. Zk-SNARKs was a hugely discussed topic in 2017, and the development team at Zcash have so far made progress in making computations much more efficient, a move that would lead to further adoption and light clients. 

You should also consider adding AEON to your portfolio. 

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