Bitcoin Alternatives: Ethereum Vs Litecoin Vs Verge Vs Ripple Vs Zcash

Blockchain is to bitcoin what internet is to email. Besides bitcoins, there are several other services that have been created using the same technology of blockchain
The bitcoin prices may have stabilized but, they still hover around $13,000, a price far too high for a lot of potential investors. The exorbitant price of bitcoins dissuaded hundreds of thousands of potential investors who missed the 2017 rally.



The bitcoin prices had jumped in the last month of 2017 in run up to the launch of futures trading by CBOE (Chicago Board of Options Exchange) and CME Group this month. After the futures trading launch, the prices have more or less fallen from the peak of $19,666, a feat achieved on December 17. However, there are numerous cryptocurrencies which are still not as popular and can be bought owing to their affordability.

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