After some very solid gains yesterday, it seems NEO is only just getting started. Whereas the value of this cryptocurrency was US$145 per coin yesterday afternoon, it has since risen to US$168. This growth is unprecedented for NEO, although it remains to be seen whether or not it can continue for much longer. Most holders wouldn’t mind seeing a NEO price of US$200 by the end of January, but only time will tell if that is even remotely possible.
It became rather evident yesterday afternoon that the NEO price would continue to rise for some time to come if the momentum could be sustained. During the weekend, we often see currencies go up in value prior to a near-complete retracement on Monday. So far, that has not happened with NEO, although there is no reason to think we won’t see a steep correction at some point. The gains over the past few days are spectacular, and the price will level out eventually.
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