AdCoin is soon releasing a fork on their code

AdCoin is upgrading it's code to include Dark Gravity Wave (DGW3) and SegWit. The updates will smoothen the transactions and prepare AdCoin to handle a lot more transactions.



It was a necessary update to ensure online advertising transactions are performed quickly and at the fraction of regular payment methods. The development team stated: "After the fork is completed the infrastructure will enable advertising partners to start using AdCoin and we can focus on the development of additional projects. We already created a comprehensive web-wallet which is linked to (B2B) order management systems and a REST-api. Our current projects involve a payment gateway, WordPress extension, ad serving tool and influencer platform.".

Technical details: the SegWit update will have a consensus vote by the miners very close to the binary release time (estimated block height 22.500) and Dark Gravity Wave a short period after that (estimated block height 24.000).

The article on the website of AdCoin include guidance for people who are currently holding AdCoin in a wallet or exchange.

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