More than 1 million people sign up for early access to Robinhood's new crypto trading service

- Although the service will initially only be available in just five states, four days later more than one million people had indicated they wanted to be notified about "early access" to cryptocurrency trading.
- "Despite the downturn in price and the fraud in Japan, the interest in the cryptospace remains very high," said Tom Lehrkinder, senior analyst at consulting firm Tabb Group.
- Online stock brokerages have also benefited from the surge of interest in cryptocurrencies.



In the latest sign of tremendous interest in cryptocurrencies, more than 1 million people have joined the waitlist for Robinhood Crypto in just four days.

No-fee stock trading app Robinhood announced Thursday it was rolling out commission-free trading in digital currencies bitcoin and ethereumbeginning in February. 

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