Salon, a left-leaning political and lifestyle webzine started in 1995, has launched a cryptocurrency mining option for its visitors in an effort to recuperate some of its declining income. The site is run by Salon Media Group, a publicly-traded company with offices in San Francisco and New York City.
“Like most media companies, Salon pays its bills through advertising,” the site explained, adding that the increase in visitors using ad blockers has “cut deeply into our revenue.” Acknowledging technological developments, Salon wrote “your computer itself can help support our ability to pay our editors and journalists,” noting:
For our beta program, we’ll start by applying your processing power to mine cryptocurrencies to recoup lost ad revenue when you use an ad blocker.
Salon also made the disclaimer that “mining uses more of your resources which means your computer works a bit harder and uses more electricity than if you were just passively browsing the site with ads.”
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