Montana Scores $250 Million Bitcoin Mining Campus

The Big Sky Country state of Montana keeps raking them in. For the second time this month, a mining operation is announcing its moving to the Butte area. Power Block Coin LLC is reportedly plunking down a quarter of a billion dollars to upgrade existing facilities to mine the world’s most popular cryptocurrency, bitcoin.



The Montana Standard reports, “A company called Power Block Coin, LLC, plans to invest $251 million in capital improvements over 36 months in Montana Connections, a special tax district west of Butte.”

“Earlier this year, we started receiving inquiries from blockchain miners interested in low cost electrical capacity,” explained Aaron Tilton, CEO of Blue Castle Holdings, the parent company of Power Block Coin, LLC. “Not just any electrical capacity, all electricity is not created equal. Blockchain mining power has to be globally cost competitive, readily available and quickly scalable. It also has to have the right power load profile, accompanied with dependable existing infrastructure, at the appropriate locations,” Mr. Tilton said at the end of last year.

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