As the world of crypto grows ever larger, divorce lawyers are finding more and more that they are having to deal with a whole new class of assets. Whilst they are familiar with the redistribution of many types of assets, such as traditional cash, bank accounts and other investments, cryptocurrencies is relatively new ground.
One of the main problems that lawyers face is the lack of traceability of cryptocurrencies; not to mention their volatility and liquidity. If a spouse does not disclose a holding of digital currencies, they cannot easily be traced and identified, unlike other assets.
One of the appealing things that draws investors to cryptocurrencies is the anonymity. This is what Bitcoin prided itself on when it was first developed. But the feature that made it so appealing is also what has made it hard to prove in divorces. Suspicion that someone might have invested in digital currencies simply is not enough, and it is something that could potentially cost the English courts a lot of money to prove.
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