Fork Refund? Developer Appeals Ethereum for Millions

On November 24, 2015, James Levy received 40,000 ether from the Ethereum Foundation. Worth roughly $35,000 at the time (and nearly $35 million today), the grant was an award for Levy's efforts to create an early smart contracting tool, and one of many meant to encourage work on what was then another nascent cryptocurrency in a sea of alternatives.



But three weeks later, the grant was gone, drained from his wallet in what might be the largest hack of a single wallet in the history of the ethereum platform.

They've stayed at the same address, without "a single outgoing transaction in the entire history of the blockchain," Levy said. 

"One of the things I am eager to do is to try to get in touch to whoever may have access to that new wallet, and to try to come up with something that we can agree to in terms of how to remedy the situation," Levy explained.

But should that not work, Levy will submit another fund recovery proposal that builds on his former efforts with EIP 867.

Lees het hele artikel hier





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