Opera’s built-in cryptocurrency price converter is actually pretty useful

Earlier this year Opera announced it is updating its built-in currency converter to support cryptocurrency, starting with Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), and Litecoin (LTC). The feature has been there for a couple of months now, but it seems it has remained under the radar for most crypto-enthusiasts – which is why we decided to give it a spin.



For those unfamiliar, the currency converter essentially lets you convert fiat currencies to BTC, BCH, ETH or LTC by simply highlighting the original amount – without leaving the site or using third-party converters.

the tool is far from perfect. For one, it works only in cases when there is a currency sign to detect (like $ or €). This means that anytime a website delineates money with currency acronyms (like USD or EUR), the built-in currency converter just won’t work.

The other minor nuisance is that the feature will only take into account digits:the tool still works if you highlight spelled out amounts, it but won’t factor in words like “thousand,” “million,” and “billion.” 

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