Social media giant Twitter appears to be cracking down on cryptocurrency scam accounts - but several members of the crypto Twitter community have been caught in the fray.
Responding to a tweet by Cornell professor Emin Gün Sirer, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey wrote that "we are on it." Yet the statement drew some swift critiques given that, in recent days, a number of accounts - including the support team for cryptocurrency exchange Kraken - reported that they had seen their accounts restricted despite trying to warn others about copycat accounts that mimic well-known industry members.
Kraken's loss, at least, was temporary, with the ban eventually being lifted, according to subsequent tweets, after Dorsey's account became the target of community ire.
But other influencers such as Brooke Maller, aka @bitcoinmom, haven't been so lucky. As Mallers explained, her account appeared to have been shadow banned - a method by which an account is rendered unviewable by others despite the user in question not knowing that they've been hidden - prompting comments from other users.
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