The CEO of bitcoin exchange Mt Gox described what it was like to discover he had been hacked: ‘It felt like I was about to die’

Mark Karpeles, the CEO of hacked bitcoin exchange Mt Gox which lost £4.5 billion of its customers’ cryptocurrency, described in a new interview what it was like to realise that his exchange had been hacked.



“I would say it’s probably very close to like when you’re falling from a building,” Karpeles told BBC Radio 4’s “File On 4” show. “Obviously, the floor [was] getting close. It felt like I was about to die.”

Karpeles said that running the bitcoin exchange, which started as a way to buy and sell “Magic: The Gathering” cards, was a “daily nightmare of dealing with banks, governments, people I never knew existed. Running Mt Gox was basically a constant race.” 

The CEO was arrested by Japanese police and charged with embezzlement of Mt Gox company money and manipulation of data. The charge is over payments worth £1.7 million, BBC News reported. Karpeles denies the charges and claims the payments were legitimate loans. He has since been released on bail.

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