Is This The End Of Crypto-Exchange Hacks – Vitalik Buterin On The Case

Very well respected and famous for being the co-founder of Ethereum – Vitalik Buterin, has introduced a scaling solution which could find use by digital currency exchanges and trading platforms to be more hack-secured. The mentioned solution is named Plasma Cash, which is an improved or evolved version of the existing method – Plasma.



For a couple of weeks now, headline of news were events of hacks that did take place in the crypto-currency exchange ecosystem in a global scale.  Some hacks that have been in the news are Coincheck and BitGrail. 

Together with Dan Robinson and Karl Floersch, Buterin did come up with the idea and developed Plasma Cash. The Plasma solutions itself has been shown to the crypto-community for the first time in Aug 2017.

Lees het hele artikel hier





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