How Will Blockchain Impact the Internet of Things?

According to Gartner, by 2020, the Internet of Things (IoT) installed base, excluding PCs, tablets, and smartphones, will reach 26 billion units, empowering a market worth of $3 trillion. By 2025, the total global worth of IoT technology could be as much as $6.2tr – most from devices in health care ($2.5tr) and manufacturing ($2.3tr). Another analysis estimates that blockchain will add $3.1tr in business value by 2030.



IoT, to put it simply, is a network of interrelated physical objects accessed through the internet. IoT technologies allow data collection, remote monitoring, and the control of devices. The growth of IoT was made possible by a number of significant technological achievements. This connectivityprogress was enabled in part by a breakthrough in the value of sensors and bandwidth as well as inexpensive processing and the development of the most recent version of internet protocol: IPv6.

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