It may feel like a daunting task, as complex as the U.S government may be but this could easily be a solution to many issues currently holding back the government. The Pentagon’s most recent mistake of losing $800 million wouldn’t have happened if blockchain technology was used, as everything would remain accounted for. If America plans on digging itself out of it’s infinite debt to the rest of the world, they better take this emerging technology seriously.
If you’re an American citizen, like myself, and you happen to be reading this, I’m sure you’ve experienced the useless IRS customer service a time or two or have even stood countless hours in line at the post office only to be greeted by the most unhappy and unpleasant employee. More efficient underlying systems that are able to process transactions quickly and securely will make all parties much happier. Let’s all cross our fingers, say a prayer, or even write to our local state representatives to push our government towards this new technology.
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