0 to 50% – Time to Pay Crypto Taxes in the European “Union”

With the increasing popularity of bitcoin and the like, this year’s tax campaign in Europe comes with many questions on how to report and pay crypto taxes. Despite the obvious hesitation on the part of many governments to comprehensively regulate/legalize the sector, cryptocurrency incomes and profits “enjoy” special attention. Different decisions on the matter pose different challenges to citizens of individual member-states.

Different Approaches

There is no uniform approach towards cryptocurrencies in any region and Europe is no exception when it comes to taxation. The recently held G20 summit proves no global consensus on the status of cryptocurrencies, and each jurisdiction is expected to take its own decisions in the short run. In the absence of pan-European guidelines on how to treat crypto-related incomes and profits, some member-states follow a decision by the Court of Justice of the EU.

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