5 tips on how to survive the bear crypto market

A bear market is defined as the opposite of the bull market. It is easy to spot a bear market; its most common trait is at least a 20 percent dip in two months. The crypto industry is believed to be in such a spot now. Here are some ways how to make the most out of and even make some profits during this period.


According to Bitcoin News, bear markets offer a lot of opportunities and learnings. With the level of Bitcoin hitting its lowest this quarter, it is safe the say the honeymoon stage is over for the crypto industry. In a CNBC report, Bitcoin received a more than 48 percent decline during the first three months of 2018. As a result, over $119.9 billion was wiped out in market capitalization of bitcoins. Ethereum and Ripple also registered huge losses of 47.7 percent and 77 percent, respectively.


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