Here’s How Stellar (XLM) Could Really Hurt Ripple (XRP)

A couple of days ago, IBM announced that they were testing the Stellar network for the purpose of deploying it for cross-border payments in a number of countries and in different currencies around the world. Projects like Ripple and Ethereum may be established or in the process of getting a hold of the market, but in Jed McCaleb, Stellar has a leader who is experienced enough to take it to the next level. And that seems to be taking shape in the form of the IBM partnership.

Speculation suggests that IBM could be lining XLM as the preferred cryptocurrency for use by partner central banks.

This is one of Stellar’s prime avenues for growth. Though not the most visible aspects of this budding network, the current influx of high profile projects choosing it over Ethereum, for instance, suggests it has a lot to offer.


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