Aeternity news: æternity at the European Parliament

æternity’s vision for a future based on open-source, blockchain 3.0 technology reached the legislative institutions of the European Union.

We are thrilled to share that æternity was represented during an interdisciplinary, multinational round-table hosted by the “All Party Innovation Group” in the European Parliament Headquarters, Belgium. Julio Alejandro who recently joined æternity’s communications team, was one of the most visible speakers during the event.


Julio was invited to join the roundtable by Ashley Fox, Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for Gibraltar. Discussions during the event were focused on globalization, entrepreneurship, the use of disruptive technologies, and blockchain use-cases. Both startups and policy makers were equally captivated by the potential of æternity’s open-source technology.


Chair of the Science and Technology Foresight Unit for the European Parliament, Kaili congratulated and thanked æternity for its innovative, progressive work and entrepreneurial mindset. Among the main organizers of the round-table was Syed Kamal, leader of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group at the European Parliament. Mr. Kamal encouraged æternity to start working on non-government solutions for social and poverty-related problems.


Mr. Ashley Fox, British MEP for Gibraltar (one of the few jurisdictions with clear regulatory guidelines to establish blockchain companies in Europe), engaged with æternity in a debate branded “Regulation vs Innovation — What impact will the GDPR have on the Blockchain?”. During the talk he responded to Julio’s comments on how blockchain technology can improve various processes through improved security, encryption, and data immutability and protection.

For the remainder of the day, Julio had private meetings with the European Parliament/Commission Directors for Blockchain, Fintech, and Digital Economics. The topics of the conversation were related to compliance and the current status of blockchain/cryptocurrency regulation in Europe and globally.


At æternity, we work tirelessly for the advancement of technology that can benefit communities around the world. However, it is not only about technology — the “how” — but most importantly about the “why”. Why do we do it? It is about hacking politics; about “decentralizing” the system; “distributing” opportunities and wealth; creating “consensus” where it was not possible before. The algorithms, mathematical systems, or encryption mechanisms, are only the means by which we express moral goals and motivations.


We believe in a future based on decentralized systems and processes. A future that will nurture more egalitarian societies, founded on new economic models and improved wealth distribution.


The æternity team would like to thank Mr. Lavan Thasarathakumar, Secretary to the European Parliament’s All-Party Innovation Group for the opportunity to present æternity’s technology and motivations during the round-table. We would also like to thank Julio Alejandro for expressing æternity’s vision for a more egalitarian world based on blockchain technology. We hope that the All-Party Innovation Group will continue to spread and maximize technological opportunities for everyone. Keep up the good work! æternity will always strive to support you.

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