Make Money While You Sleep? Welcome To The World Of Cryptocurrency Trading Bots

When it comes to trading cryptocurrency, there are many obstacles for the average user – the complexity of technical analysis, the skills involved in identifying trends and, of course, the volatility of the market, meaning coins can soar or plummet in value overnight. But what if you could trade constantly, even in your sleep, making a steady profit every day, with minimal effort? Welcome to the world of crypto bots.


But is it too good to be true? The word ‘bot’ might bring to mind Russian hackers and fake Twitter accounts but crypto bots are perfectly legal and fully supported, if not exactly encouraged, by major exchanges such as Bittrex and Binance. Put simply, they are computer programs that remove the emotion from trading. They buy and sell your cryptocurrency for you, using algorithms to follow the trajectory of a coin, identifying when to buy and sell, and, in theory, allowing you to make small, round the clock profits.


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