Santander UK launches Ripple [XRP] powered money transfer app today

Santander bank UK, one of the largest banks in the world has launched an international money transfer app called OnePay FX, which uses Ripple’s distributed ledger technology. Santander OnePay FX can be used by Santander customers, who have a Santander debit card.

This Ripple-powered mobile app enables same-day international payments in ‘3 clicks and 40 seconds’. After downloading the app, users are required to fill in their profile details. The payments are confirmed using Touch ID, once the app connects to Apple Pay.

OnePay FX allows users to transfer between £10 and £10,000, from Britsh Pound [GBP] to Euro [EUR] and US Dollar [USD]. While USD payments can be made to the USA only, EUR can be transferred to 19 eurozone countries, currently.


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