A junior banker in Italy hijacked servers from his company to mine bitcoin — and thousands of others are doing similar things

Thousands of staff are stealing computing power from their employers in order to mine bitcoin, according to a top cybersecurity CEO.

Nicole Eagan, the CEO of Darktrace, told attendees at the Wall Street Journal's CEO Council event: "We have seen 1,000 crypto-mining cases in the last six months in the US alone with employees taking over company infrastructure for crypto mining. This is becoming a big problem."

Eagan said her company had come across one instance where a junior banker at an unnamed Italian bank had actually stolen servers that he had signed for on behalf of his company.

"He had taken 12 of these and hidden them under the floorboards in the data centre of the bank and then set up his own crypto mining range," Eagan said. "This went undetected for some period of time.


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