Is Verge the Next BitConnect? Ongoing Inconsistencies Alert Crypto Community

Privacy-focused cryptocurrency Verge is a divisive topic within the cryptocurrency community. While staunch Verge supporters are quick to decry “FUD” at any and all negative news regarding their favored coin, an increasing amount of evidence that the project may be a large-scale exit scam is manifesting — notably, the disappearance of over 18 million XVG from the Verge “fundraising” wallet.


The credibility of Verge has taken a hit recently due to extensive Wraith protocol release delays and allegations of paid pumping by John McAfee. While Verge proponents have vehemently defended the token over recent months — in spite of a bizarre fundraising request and unsubstantiated partnership announcements — the increasingly erratic actions of the Verge development team are becoming impossible to ignore.


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