Is Bitcoin Cash About to Fork Again? Is It in Trouble?

When bitcoin cash split off from bitcoin in August 2017, it was the result of a heated and contentious debate about the future of the world's leading digital currency. Only months after that, the debate continued, as a November announcement emerged indicating that another bitcoin cash software upgrade would be in the works. Now, roughly six months after that announcement, the upgrade is slated to take place on May 15. Why is bitcoin cash going through another software upgrade at this time?

According to a report by CoinDesk, a number of elements of the new upgrade seem designed to help the underlying network to be able to process more transactions than bitcoin itself. Among other features, the new upgrade will quadruple bitcoin cash's block size (from 8 megabytes to 32 megabytes). The result of this increase in capacity is a huge swell in the number of transactions possible per block.


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