An attack on the DNS (domain name system) of MyEtherWallet (MEW) interface of widely used Ethereum wallet on April 24 took the wallet users onto some inappropriate servers that resulted in the leakage of their login particulars.
It was nearly 2 hours at a stretch when the hacker diverted the users from MEW provider onto one fake website. From that website deposits of the Ethereum crypto-currency got clandestinely funneled into one hacker-controlled source. posted this on the Web dated April 24, 2018.
An extremely busy crypto-currency exchange Binance posted on that a few MEW owners reported they faced problems while loading the website. Disturbingly, many individuals may've got victimized with the scam. Evidently, there were approximately 180 transactions coming into the address under the control of the hacker during the attack after which 215 Ether coins equivalent of $151,000 were transferred to one different wallet.
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