A Bitcoin podcaster brilliantly trolled his own hacker

Aaron Lammer, co-host of the Longform journalism podcast and cryptocurrency show Coin Talk, didn’t even notice at first when his website was hacked. Instead, a follower tipped him off that aaronlammer.com had been replaced by a notice that read “Ooops, your website has been encrypted!” and a countdown clock, indicating that the site would be deleted unless a ransom of 0.025 Bitcoin, or about $230 at the time of writing, was paid to the hacker.


Instead of paying, Lammer clicked on a link that said “Contact us.” It led to a Facebook page under the name Barberousse Mohammed. Lammer sent Mohammed a message. “Hi,” he said. “I don’t have any Bitcoin. Do you accept Ripple?” And thus began an epic trolling as Lammer cycled through ideological talking points from all the facets of the cryptocurrency world while his hacker got more and more exasperated. Mohammed did not respond to a The Verge’s request for comment.


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