Richard Branson Talks Bitcoin and Crypto Scams

Crypto scams are a known problem within the crypto space. People are trying to get a hold on the issue, but a guaranteed solution has yet to be discovered. Now, influential leaders around the globe are speaking out. Specifically, about the crypto scams using their face and names. The latest to do so is Richard Branson. 


On Thursday, Richard Branson discussed the numerous bitcoin scam stories he has seen lure victims into its trap. He’s had enough of it. According to the British business mogul, he has written “several times” about the bitcoin scams that are using his face/name. Branson has shown support for the bitcoin and blockchain sectors in the past, stating that there are advantages of “genuine bitcoin developments,” but he does not, and will not, endorse bitcoin scams. Or any other crypto scam, for that matter.  


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