Bitcoin is rallying — and can no longer be dismissed. Here are 3 reasons why


Bitcoin is rallying and can no longer be ignored, said Brian Kelly, founder and CEO of BKCM LLC, an investment firm focused on digital currencies. "It's a serious market," Kelly said from Hoover Institution's annual Monetary Policy Conference at Stanford University on Friday.


"When I would go to events like this in years past, you would kind of dismiss bitcoin," Kelly said on "Fast Money." "But it's been brought up several times at this conference and taken quite seriously. And I think you have to with a market cap at half a trillion dollars." The cryptocurrency reached $9,700 around 5:15 p.m. ET Friday. While significantly lower than its mid-December highs around $19,700, the coin continues to regain losses from lows of around $6,000 earlier this year.


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