VeChain (VEN): All to know about VeChain THOR (VET) the mainnet


VeChain THOR (VET) serves a direct connection to the VeChain network. If you own VET you can purchase vouchers, THOR, which will be used to access the VeChain main net network to create smart contracts or interact with the dApps on the platform. The platform releases these vouchers sequentially per day and they can be used to develop the smart contracts. The vouchers are measured in terms of the complexity of the smart contract and number of times you visit the main net. The higher the number of VET you own the more times you can visit the main net and the more complex smart contracts you can build on the platform.

What impact does THOR have?


First of all given that the number of smart contracts expected to be built on the VeChain (VEN) will be fairly constant through the year means demand of THOR will be rather stable too. This coupled with the fact that the amount of THOR to be supplied will be known and remain relatively constant, the price of THOR will remain rather constant on an annual basis. This keeps the prices on the platform stable cutting down on high volatility normally seen in cryptocurrencies.


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