Now There's a Crypto Vending Machine for Beer

With blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies being applied to such a wide variety of businesses, it may have only been a matter of time before these two trendy areas converged with another popular space: alcohol sales.


Back in 2016, a tech startup named Civic entered the arena, co-founded by "Shark Tank South Africa" star Vinny Lingham. Now, just two years later, the San Francisco-based company has plans to unveil the first "crypto beer vending machine" at Coindesk's Consensus 2018 conference in New York City this week.

'Not in the Beer-Vending Business'

According to Coindesk, Lingham clarified that his company is "definitely not in the beer-vending business." That may seem like an obvious statement for the marketing manager of a cryptocurrency tech startup; in the case of Civic, though, the explanation has merit.


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