Bitcoin a shadowy realm as U.S. weighs security clearances

As the Pentagon struggles to recruit a more tech-savvy workforce, it's facing the confusion of many an old-timer: What to make of people who invest or trade in bitcoin. The question is whether owning bitcoins or lesser-known cryptocurrencies such as Ripple and Ethereum is an indicator of risky personal behavior -- one that should flag extra scrutiny in security clearances -- or just another investment choice.


"There are a lot of good things about cryptocurrencies, but at the same time there are these security risks," said Param Vir Singh, director of the PNC Center for Financial Services Innovation at Carnegie Mellon University. "Think about a knife: It could be used for good things and it can be used for bad things as well." The debate is playing out across the government, as the Defense Department and other agencies struggle to define the currencies. 


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