How Female Founders Help ICO Campaigns Succeed

In an ICO campaign, a portion of the cryptocurrency is sold to early backers of the company in exchange for legal tender or other cryptocurrencies, usually Bitcoin. Interestingly, and perhaps not surprisingly to me, Cole — a women — was the first person people met with to learn about the Adbank and build credibility for the company. As one of Marketing Magazine's Top 30 Under 30 Smartest Young Thinkers in Marketing, Cole knows how to tell a story and build a brand.


ICOs are similar to rewards-based crowdfunding — the one financing option in which women outperform men. The reasons for this keep mounting. The latest research finds that female founders who crowdfund on sites like Indiegogo and Kickstarter are perceived as more trustworthy. Other research finds that men have more hubris and women more humility. “Men are more expectant — here’s my idea, you should fund it,” said Cole. “Women explain why the idea matters and why you should fund it.”

Public companies are learning the benefit of communicating candidly and this lesson can be applied to ICOs. 


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