McAfee Coin: John McAfee, to launch his ‘very own’ crypto coin

One of the particularities of the crypto sphere is that in many cases it is moved by the opinions of experts of the industry, people that generally are associated with the finance world and have a strong influence in the community. The views of these figures in several occasions lead to a reaction of the cryptocurrency users, which at large end up either favoring or causing harm to a particular coin.


In this matter, one of that figure without a doubt is John McAfee, the businessman behind the McAfee company, an organization providing cybersecurity solutions for the industry since 1987. Mr. McAfee is not affiliated to the McAfee antivirus by any means now, though. John is characterized being an active influencer in the crypto world, who even widely benefits specific coins in the industry by just commenting his thoughts on them over his Twitter account.


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